Similar words: general assembly, legislative assembly, assembly, freedom of assembly, assemble, assembled, international relations, nationalization.
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31) Executive power is in the hands of a President who is elected for a six-year term by the National Assembly.
32) My disappointment with the voting was that not one woman was elected to the National Assembly.
33) Five directly elected deputies are sent to the National Assembly in Paris and three indirectly elected members to the Senate.
34) On July 4 the National Assembly had endorsed a political parties bill guaranteeing a limited form of democracy.
35) It was announced on Oct. 25 that the National Assembly would convene on Nov. 4.
36) The new constitution was approved at the close of a National Assembly session which had opened on March 23.
37) The electoral system would not be changed before the National Assembly elections due in March 1993.
38) To compensate for the absence of its own national assembly.
39) The National Assembly was being truculent over the budget proposals.
40) However, on May 29, 1991,(sentence dictionary) the draft constitution was given its first reading by the Grand National Assembly.
41) The National Assembly on Dec. 6 enacted a law affirming the right to form political parties and simplifying registration procedures.
42) In 1979 he was expelled from the National Assembly and was subsequently banned from political activity.
43) Political reforms adopted in 1990 provided for a multiparty system of government and a 79-member National Assembly.
44) The National Assembly elected a number of new ministers on Aug. 10.
45) On Dec. 4 the National Assembly unanimously adopted a foreign investment bill, allowing for a liberal regime.
46) A unicameral legislature, the National Assembly, is also elected every five years by universal suffrage.
47) Executive authority: the President; legislative authority: the National Assembly; both elected by universal adult suffrage.
48) Both the French National Assembly and the United States House of Representatives voted to wear mourning in his honor.
49) The South Korean ruling Grand National Party is driven by factionalism and acts like a minority party despite having nearly two-thirds control of the unicameral National Assembly.
50) The unicameral Korean parliament is the National Assembly or Gukhoe(, whose members serve a four-year term of office.
51) In front of National Assembly Memorial Hall, cute telephone kiosk, and you can see the street outside.
52) The National Assembly passed constitutional amendments to marginalize the Taiwan Provincial Government.
53) The unicameral parliament (also called the National Assembly) currently is controlled by a coalition of three political parties.
54) Mr Ortega's supporters hold only 40 % of the seats in the National Assembly.
55) The unicameral, 386-member National Assembly is the highest organ of state authority and initiates and approves legislation sponsored by the prime minister.
56) On December 8, 2005, Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Councilor met with Slovak National Assembly Speaker Hrusovsky in Bratislava.
57) Partial results show the Party Quebecois has lost its bid for a third straight term in the 125-member National Assembly.
58) Candidates for the council of ministers are elected by the National Assembly for a fixed, five-year term, and must be a part of the legislative assembly.
59) On the eve of ceremonies marking the 50th anniversary of the Cuban revolution , the country’s National Assembly approved a law delaying the retirement age by five years.
60) The Vietnamese National Assembly is the highest power and law-making body.
More similar words: general assembly, legislative assembly, assembly, freedom of assembly, assemble, assembled, international relations, nationalization, multinational corporation, assemblage, national, nationalism, nationalize, nationalist, nationality, national park, national bank, national debt, international, nondenominational, ultranationalist, rationalization, national security council, dissemble, assassination, dissembler, dissembling, rational, proportional representation, donation.